In Georgia - Kazbegi tour

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 350 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Day trip


Tour description:

- Pick up you at your hotel

- 1st stop at Jinvali reservoir

- 2nd stop Ananuri fortress – an amazing castle with the reservoir view

- 3rd stop Gudauri – friendship balcony (you can do paragliding there’re. Note: if you would like to do paragliding, please inform as about it before, cause we need to orange the time of all of the program

- 4th stop Kazbegi – breath taking view from the Gergeti Church

- 5th stop iodic water

We will have tea/coffee break also Lunch preak during the tour.

The price include:

-Transportation Mercedes Viano up to 5 person with professional and politedriver.

- Driver's food

-Tour Guide.

The price exclude:

-Food and Drinks

-Paragliding (optional)

-extra expenses


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