Atlas Mountains & waterfalls

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 170 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Ouzoud waterfalls:

Skip the bustle and the heat of Marrakech with this astonishing one day tour to experience a memorable day in one of the many little hidden magic gems of Morocco, the refreshing and the charming Ouzoud waterfalls which are located near the Atlas village of Tanaghmeilt, in the province of Azilal, approximately 150km northeast of Marrakech. Additionally, the name Ouzoud holds the meaning of “the act of grinding grain” which was taken from the Berber. First, you will be picked up from your accommodation by your guide or driver. On your way to the waterfalls, enjoy the natural panoramic views, desert hills, past palm groves and the ancient traditional villages. Upon your arrival, prepare yourself physically to walk on Cliffside trails and to climb stairs, and emotionally to watch the amazing cascades and the area’s natural beauty, which includes the green fertile nature, gorges below the falls, and the endless series of pools that offer fine day hikes, the Barbary macaques and the unusual birds and the relaxing sounds of nature. You can have walks through groves of olives, walk down along the mighty cascades while hearing their roars, feed the monkeys and take pictures with the majestic sceneries for souvenirs, as well as taking the splendid boat rides to view the stunning falls from the water. Besides, you can have a picnic lunch while cooling off under the shade of trees or you can have your lunch at one of the many terraced restaurants overlooking the falls while resting to their peaceful sounds. In the late afternoon, you will safely head back to Marrakech and dropped off at your accommodation or at any place depends on your choice.



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