Giza Pyramids, Saqqara, Memphis, and Dahshur

Язык арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

At the end of the tour to Giza Pyramids, Saqqara, Memphis, and Dahshur, expert tour guide will take you to Dahshur one of the most interesting archeological sites from ancient Egypt where you going to see the pyramids of king Senfru the founder of the 4th dynasty and the age of the pyramids ( the old kingdom). The Red Pyramid, which is the highest in Dahshur necropolis and the third largest ancient Egyptian pyramid, size of this pyramid is only beaten by the Great Pyramid and Khafra’s pyramid. You will also visit the Bent Pyramid, this was the second pyramid built by Snefru. The ancient Egyptians did not call this pyramid the “Bent Pyramid”, their name was both “Sneferu is Shining in the South” and “The Southern Shining Pyramid”.

Cairo Day Tours include:-

daily transportation services from any hotel in Cairo or Giza.

Access to the archeological sites during the Giza Pyramids tour

enter the museum in Memphis as well as the site of Saqqara

the pyramids from inside in

Modern air-conditioned vehicle arranged by Cairo Top Tours.

Bottled water and soft drink are included aboard the vehicle during your Egypt Day Tours.

Shopping tours in Cairo during all Cairo Trips. (Upon request).

Any taxes to be charged are covered within the prices.

What is Excluded?

Extra sites like Abu Sir, Abu Gorab, or any other places not listed in our Cairo day Tours program.

The access inside the Serapum or the Step-Pyramid from inside.

Beverage during meals is excluded.

Tipping is a matter of appreciation we recommend if you think it’s worth it during your Egypt tours.


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