Cappadocia Cooking Class Tour - With Cappadocian Locals, delicious meals

Язык Английский
Стоимость 685 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

A sustainable way of traveling.

Cooking classes are short courses (approx. 2-3 hours) that aim to provide ideas and hands-on experience in specific areas related to food preparation, food presentation, and food appreciation. Let's discover this way of sustainable tourism by contributing to locals' endeavors.


-Pick up from your Hotel

- Briefing

-Experiencing traditional dishes and cooking methods in a local house.

-Enjoy the moment with locals by tasting your hand-made traditional food.

-Trekking through the ancient Greek village, Sinasos

-1st option: Visiting a local carpet manufacturer, and get informed about the tradition.

2nd option: Visiting Avanos, an old town where we experience a pottery demo and have a short walk on the banks of the longest river in Turkey, the Red River.

-Ending the tour with red wine on a sunset point with a spectacular view.

-Drop-off hotel.

What's included:

-Professional Licensed Guiding service

-Private transportation (A/C Van)

-Local Red-wine(A glass pp)

-All kitchenware and ingredients for recipe

Note: This tour can be customized according to your wishes by your guide upon request. Just stay in touch with your professional guide. Looking forward to meeting you here in Cappadocia!


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