3 Day 3 Valley Hike - Toubkal National Park

Язык арабский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 350 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 дня

3 Day 3 Valley Hike - Toubkal National Park

Easy & medium interesting 3 day treks through the berber villages & valleys and over mountain passes meet the berber communauty.

Suitable for families with kids, elderly people, most of the route itself is comfortable for a mule ride instead as well as for walking, cross scenic mountain pass & villages, enjoy an overview of a typical & authentic valley.

For people who are more adventures, the days can be extended to cover more distances and climb side peaks all through the trek.


Day 1:

Transfer from Marrakech to Imlil then Depart towards Tacheddirt passing by Tamatert. Lunch on the col of Tizi n’Tamatert. After lunch continue to Ouanesekra-Tamguist. Arrive at Tinerhourhine for the night. 5 hours walking time.

Day 2 :

Depart Tinerhourhine along the valley passing by Ikkiss. Then Tizi n’Aguersioual. Lunch at Matate. Continue passing by Tizi n’Oudite towards Aït Aïssa to spend the night. 5 to 6 hours walking time.

Day 3:

Depart Aït Aïssa towards Tizi Oussem passing by Tizi Mzik, the village of Mzik to arrive back at Imlil. 4 to 5 hours walking time prior to transfer back to Marrakech.

Note : Itinerary is just a guideline and subject to change to suit local condition.


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