Prison island

Язык Английский
Стоимость 70 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Prison Island was first used as unofficially prison for rebellious slaves 1860 by the two Arabs who were given by the first sultan of Zanzibar Majid bin Said to house rebellious slaves prior to shipping them abroad or selling them at slave market in stone town

When Zanzibar became under British protectorate,the island was purchased by the first british prime minister of Zanzibar Sir Lloyd Mathew who turned the island officially as prison but unfortunately the island has never been used as prison,instead,it was used as quarantine station for yellow fever cases during 1896,during the nineteen century the yellow faver was considered the most dangerous disease,thus the government of Zanzibar isolated the patient with yellow fever to avoid spreading in the main island of Unguja then the island got the name quarantine island,the name was popular until 1923.

During the empty period,the island became holiday destination for europian residents and local Zanzibaris and recently has become one of the famous tourists attraction in the island is a home of aldabra giant tortoise which were gifted to the sultan wife from the British governor of Seychelles,the tortoise are considered among the long lived animals on earth and they are thought to be 200 years lifespans

Price include

Private boat

Entrance fee

Roundrtip transfer

Drinking water

Guiding fee


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