Climb Mount Toubkal In 2 Days

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 350 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 дня

Challenge yourself to climb the highest peak in North Africa in 2 days. The tour starts and finishes in the vibrant city of Marrakech, and includes transport to and from Imlil . We will trek with a local English speaking guide , a local cook and mules to carry our luggage. It’s a challenging walk rather than a climb, and anybody in good physical condition can reach the top. Make sure you bring your camera; the views from the summit are spectacular. Mount Toubkal 4167m is the highest peak in North Africa, and is a trekking peak involving no climbing two days involve walking in crampons holding an ice axe for security (Nov to April ) . The itinerary has been designed for keen walkers, as the ascent is non-technical, but involves some easy scrambling and snow slopes.


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