Yazd City Tour

Язык Английский, Французский, персидский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 9 часов

About Yazd:

With its jungle of Badgirs (wind-catchers), and mud brick old buildings, Yazd is one of the highlights of any trip to Iran. Since it is stuck between the two grand Iranian Deserts of Kavir e Lut & Dasht e Kavir, its unique architecture is engineered in a way to cope with every aspect of its surrounding & climatic situation. High adobe walls and mud brick buildings, narrow streets and covered lanes, water cisterns and underground water canals, ice houses and smartly designed Badgires are a few of Yazd wonders which are deliberately designed to adapt human being with the surrounding nature.

Being one of the oldest mud brick cities which is still livable, the historical old City of Yazd is registered in UNESCO list as a World Heritage Site. By going on the adobe rooftops, you will have the chance to see the Old City with its jungle of badgirs or you can simply sit down and enjoy a cup of tea and enjoy watching the city or perhaps the sunset. Walking in the Old City is highly recommended as well. Another Yazd highlight is the Zoroastrian neighborhood and the most favorable sites are Fire Temple and Rocky sky burials or the Tower of Silences.

Yazd City Tour:

The guide will come to pick you up from your hotel in the morning. It’s going to be a full day Yazd City Tour including a visit to Tower of Silent, Fire Temple, Jame Mosque, Dowlat Abad Persian Garden, Yazd Old Town, Water Museum, and Amir Chaqmaq Square, and Zorkhane

Included Services:

• A professional English /French/Persian speaking local guide.

• An AC car with a professional driver ( for individuals or small groups of up to 3 people just driver and guide is the same person).

• Walking


Number of People: Any number of people

Price: You need to contact for the quote and tour availability.


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