National Park Ala-Archa

Язык Английский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

The Ala Archa National Park, with its succession of picturesque valleys filled with tall pines and spruces, its waterfalls, sources and trout rivers, is the perfect place to get a bowl of fresh air at the outskirts of Kyrgyzstan’s capital and in the depth of wilderness.

At the park entry, you will see signs with a large variety of hikes. Three among them are very popular. Although they all present different difficulty levels, they are as breath-taking one as the other. You can choose your path according to your time, your abilities and your desires.

The first is a 4 hour hike that borders the river. The second will bring you up to a beautiful waterfall. It will take around 5 hours of intensive walking, with 700 m (2296 ft) of elevation. The third, with its steep and difficult passages, will take you the full day. It is suggested for experienced hikers.


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