Treks and Sweet Trails in the Himalyas

Язык Английский, хинди
Стоимость 499 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 дня

Rishikesh is a perfect place for those who are seeking spirituality and adventure. The place is dotted with beautiful temples, yoga and meditation centers. Rishikesh is also a gateway to the adventurous treks and trails into the Himalayan environment.

Day 01: Early morning we pickup from your hotel and drive towards Rishikesh. Can meditate to seek calmness. Overnight stay at my homestay which is nestled in the foothils of Himalayas, just 11 kilometers away from Rishikesh town.

Day 02: Morning breakfast at my Homestay, later Enjoy a fun trek to Kunjapuri Temple situated at an altitude of 1676 m above sea level. Witness the panoramic views of lush green mountains. Passby tranquil Neergaddu waterfalls, We shall drive upto the Kunjapuri and allow you to do a downhill trek of approx 11 kilometers.In this manner we can return back to the homestay before dark. Overnight stay at the hotel / homestay in Rishikesh.

Day 03: Breakfast at the hotel in the morning, later proceed towards Kota Village Trek, it is the one of the best trek near Rishikesh. The total trek length of the Phool Chatti - Kota - Sirasu village is about 15 km. Normally the trek is completed in a day ( 7-8 hr ), however the same depends upon your speed also. Return to the hotel in Rishikesh for an overnight stay.

Day 04: Time to say good bye to the mother nature and divine Himalayas. After having breakfast at the hotel, get driven back to Delhi, arrive delhi and get transferred to your hotel/Airport Tour ends with swett eternal memories.


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