Night tour (exclusively for romantic travellers)

Язык Английский
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

I guess you already know that Barcelona is a very hot city (for a moment I mean only weather)! Summer day temperature could be +35C (+95F). And you prefer to follow the moon rather than the midday sun.


you are a transit passenger and have a few hours till the next flight.

So my NIGHT TOUR is created for you! You choose the time we start the tour, and here are 2 options: from sunset and late or from the second part of the night till dawn. They are completely different, believe me! The night is mystic and you're on a tiny narrow street in the heart of a medieval town full of shadows and whispers. The dawn is as fantastic as Renaissance (actually dawn is the renaissance, resurrection) when the sun fireball rises gradually and majestically from the sea water over Barcelona! At this moment it is better to be on one of the numerous vistas (a distant viewpoint) to collect the new day energy!

The program and itinerary vary depending on the chosen time, so it can be a city with its unique buildings, neatly illuminated at night. Or it can be a city + nature in the case of a dawn program. Anyway, the impressions will remain unique and unforgettable for you.

N.B. Safety instructions will be given beforehand.


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