mentawai Travel Guide

Язык Английский
Стоимость 440 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 дней

A great experience on your journey to stay in the forest with native Mentawai people to learn about our culture, traditions and way of life in the forest. Mentawai culture and trekking in the forest are very unique programs that involve unique culture and nature. The Mentawai tradition is also known as the "Arat Sabulungan" religious belief. The philosophy that we have defended for centuries from our ancestors and made tangible threads

everyone must respect the forest, and people always have a relationship with their spirit and soul. For the Mentawai people, they believe that the forest has always been a place where everything from plants, rocks, animals, rivers like treetops, they have souls and act like humans. And inseparable forests and humans will always coexist and respect one another

Arat Sabulungan is not only a belief, but Arat Sabulungan is a way of life. Arat Sabulungan is a view of life where there are norms of rules that govern all aspects of not only humans and humans but humans and nature and creators of Sabatungan arat such as unwritten books that teach humans to define the meaning of this life

The Mentawai experience was founded by me working with my family, I have got very good and experienced partners in the travel industry. I am experienced and I already have a certificate

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me thanks


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