
Язык Английский, суахили
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Welcome to Zanzibar. I will guide you to every part of Zanzibar from Stone Town to the beautiful sandy beaches of the eastern coast.

Zanzibar, the spice island, offers a unique blend of historical monuments from the Roman, Arabian, and colonial eras. You can explore the natural forest reserve, visit spice farms and beautiful white sandy beaches, as well as explore Stone Town. It's a perfect destination for those looking to enjoy a mix of history, culture, and natural beauty. The spice island of Zanzibar offers a unique blend of historical monuments from the Roman, Arabian, and colonial eras. You can explore the natural forest reserve, visit spice farms and beautiful white sandy beaches, as well as explore Stone Town. It's a perfect destination for those looking to enjoy a mix of history, culture, and natural beauty.


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