Magoroto and Magila waterfall - Muheza, Tanga

Язык Английский, суахили
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Magoroto and Magila forests, as well as the waterfall, are located in the northern part of Eastern Tanzania, specifically in the Tanga region in the Muheza District. The temperature, vegetation, and natural reserve offer a unique attraction to visitors. The forest boasts of different types of plants, fauna, and bird species. Visitors can enjoy swimming or picnicking in the tropical forest. Magoroto and Magila forests, as well as the waterfall, are located in the northern part of Eastern Tanzania, specifically in the Tanga region in the Muheza District. The temperature, vegetation, and natural reserve offer a unique attraction to visitors. The forest boasts different types of plants, fauna, and bird species. Visitors can enjoy swimming or picnicking in the tropical forest.


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