Wilderness and Whiskey weekend

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1450 AUD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 2 дня

This is a well balanced weekend.

Accommodation pick up each day at 9am.

Allowing guests to achieve a morning amongst the Tasmanian wilderness, native landscape, flora and fauna. While understanding Tasmania's deep history, with stories of resilience, creativity and passion.

regions, Bruny Island, Huon Valley, Derwent Valley, Mt Wellington/Kanunyi.

Visiting one of my favorite gourmet lunch venues.

Then going in search for Tasmanian handcrafted whiskeys, gins, vodkas and many more. With notice, I will get you behind the scenes to meet the makers and understand how they produce great award winning products.

Relax, with friends, family this is a great weekend in Tasmania.

This weekend also can be customized, just contact me for group rates and options.

Accommodation drop off at 5pm.


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