Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов

In this tour, you will have a chance to get to know deeper about the Vietnamese lifestyle, culture, history and especially Vietnamese Cuisine.


7:00- 9:30 am, I will pick you up from your hotel, and we will visit a typical Vietnamese local market with a variety of fresh vegetables and tropical fruits from the Mekong delta every morning And, of course, we will have a bowl of noodles and a cup of delicious Vietnamese coffee for breakfast.

10:00 - 11:30 am. We will visit the remnant war museum. To me, this is the most interesting museum about the war during American War( this is what Vietnamese often say, but Americans might call it " The Vietnam war"). Here, you can see, feel and learn a lot about our history from the Vietnamese point of view.

11:45 - 1 pm, have lunch at a local restaurant.

1:30 pm: Visit the oldest pagoda in Ho Chi Minh; Chinese people built it, and it's a very sacred place in Ho Chi Minh City. We will learn about architecture, religion as well as the spiritual life of Vietnamese people.

2:30 pm - Visit The "White House or Independence place where South Vietnam's president lived and worked till 1975.

- visit the Notre Dame church - the iconic of Saigon.

- Visit the Central post office in Hcm city.

End of our trip with a cup of egg coffee at 4 pm

Guide fee: $60

The tour does not include transport, meals, drinks and other personal expenses.

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