Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов



07.00 am, the tour guide will pick you up at your hotel and leave Ho Chi Minh city. It takes one hour and thirty minutes to get to My Tho town. We will stop by a rest stop to have "Hieu tieu" for breakfast. This is a very typical dish in the Mekong Delta.

8:45 Arrive in My Tho town and visit Vinh Trang pagoda, the oldest ancient in Southern Vietnam. Known as the largest pagoda and has a unique architecture in Mekong Delta. Its architecture was influenced by Vietnamese culture, Khmer, and European architecture.

9:15: Transfer to the pier boat to get on a motorized boat. Take a leisurely boat ride on the Mekong river to enjoy fresh air, to see the peaceful life of the local people, the fishing floating farm, and the four Islands (Dragon, Phoenix, Tortoise, Unicorn)

9:45: Visit unicorn island. Here we can listen to the "Don Ca Tai Tu", an art of the people of the Southwest region which is very attractive; they express their emotions through many songs and instruments.

Visit the bee farms, Taste local fresh fruits and honeybee tea.

10:45, we will visit the coconut candy workshop, and you will have a chance to learn how to make coconut candy, peel coconut and prepare ingredients to make candy. Of course, we will try many different flavours of coconut candy.

11: 30pm Have lunch at a garden restaurant on the river bank with countryside specialities.

After enjoying your lunch, you will row on a small canal and row around to see the coconut trees, local life along the channel, and the quiet and beautiful nature.

1 pm, head back to Hcm.

Drop you off at the hotel around 2:40pm

guide fee: 60$

not including tickets, tips for local and transport.

You also can start the trip at 8:am and finish at 3:40 pm if you want.


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