Full day tour Edfu and Kom ompo temple

Язык арабский, Английский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Our Tour to Edfu & Kom Ombo Temples At the morning our Egypt Best Vacation tour guide will escort you by air conditioned vehicle towards Edfu to witness the most complete and well-preserved temple in Egypt flanked by beautiful granite statues of the falcon god Horus. The Ptolemaic temple was dedicated to the falcon god “Horus”. The reliefs that cover the walls, columns, and doorways of the temple constitute an extremely important source of information about ancient Egyptian religious and political thought. Among the most interesting of these reliefs tell the story of Horus exacting his revenge on Seth for the murder of his father, Osiris, an event that was re-enacted annually in the temple. Other reliefs recount the stages of the temple’s construction, and provide dates for the completion of different building elements Ending our tour to Edfu temple, and proceed our way to Kom-Ombo. Upon reaching the area you will go to visit the unusual double built temple which is dedicated to the Falcon god “Haroeris”(the southern part) and the Crocodile god “Sobek”(the northern part). It was built during the Ptolemaic era. The scene on the inner face of the rear wall of the temple is of particular interest, and probably represents a set of surgical instruments. After finishing this great trip you will be driven back to your hotel

with others to become a two-day itinerary.

(-The price varies according to the number of customers.

- My tours (currently) in Luxor, Aswan and Abu Simbel only.)

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