Vietnam cooking class tour

Язык Английский, вьетнамский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Enjoying the variety and subtlety of Vietnamese cuisine in a restaurant is one thing, learning to cook the dishes for oneself is quite another. Join our introduction to Vietnamese home cooking based on recipes especially. Relax in a friendly, informal, atmosphere and enjoy lunch.

Depart at 8:30 am or 14h30 pm

Our guide will collect you from your hotel by taxi to the class. Where you will walk or take the Cyclo trip to the market. You will meet the Chef and experience a day in his life as you wander through the fresh food market. You will also learn some tips and tricks to ensure that only the finest quality ingredients are selected. You will then select all the ingredients needed for your class.

Chef will then accompany you as you make your way back to Restaurant. You will stop along the way and get to sample a selection of street foods.

During the lesson, Chef will teach you the secrets to creating decorations, enhancing the presentation of your dished, well as some of the basic skills needed to master the knife skills required to be a chef.

After finishing cooking rewards, yourself by delicious food at the restaurant.

Tour finishes around 12:30 or 6:00 pm

Prices Inclusions

Private car with air conditioning

English speaking guide


Prices Exclusions

Drinks & Tips

Personal Expense


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