Panch Pokhari Trek, Sindupalchowk

Язык Английский, хинди, непальский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 дней

Panch Pokhari ( 5 ponds) is a popular destination for trekking in Nepal. Panch Pokhari refers to the five sacred lakes situated at the base of Jugal Himal. The trail to these lakes is adventurous and presents fantastic mountain panoramas, which resulted in creating a new trekking route for foreign travelers too.

It means the Panch Pokhari trek is relatively new and not known to many trekkers. Unlike the other not easily accessible trailheads, one can reach the starting point of the Panch Pokhari trekking in a mere 5 to 6 hours of drive from Kathmandu.

The Panch Pokhari is nestled, at 4,100 meters, northeast of Kathmandu. The region has significant cultural and ecological values. The Panch Pokhari trek route goes through lush rhododendron forests and green rolling hills. You will be passing by terraced fields, alpine pastures, and picturesque remote villages. Instead of tourists, you will be more likely to come across natives along the way.

This trek has been a wonderful trek for me. I have gained a lot of experience in the Himalayas, and trails, and yet not that much difficult.


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