Morning Desert Safari Excursion

Язык Английский
Стоимость 135 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Awaken your senses to the magic of the desert as the first light of dawn gently illuminates the golden sands. Our Morning Desert Safari in Dubai invites you to embark on a tranquil adventure, where the desert comes alive with the promise of a new day.

Dune Bashing:

Experience an exhilarating ride over the sand dunes in a 4×4 vehicle.


Try your hand at sandboarding down the dunes for a thrilling adventure.

Camel Ride: short camel ride

Sunrise Watching:

Witness the spectacular desert sunrise, capturing breathtaking moments.

Photography Opportunities:

Capture the beauty of the early morning desert with photo stops.


Stay hydrated with complimentary refreshments provided during the safari.

Pick-up and Drop-off:

Convenient transportation services with pick-up and drop-off from designated locations.

English-speaking Guide:

Services of an English-speaking guide or driver to provide information and assistance.

Morning Serenity:

Experience the tranquil and serene atmosphere of the desert in the early hours.

Our Morning Desert Safari is a serene and immersive experience that allows you to witness the beauty of the desert as it awakens to a new day. From thrilling adventures to moments of tranquility, this safari promises a unique and unforgettable journey through the soul of the Arabian desert.


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