Dubai Half Day Exploration 4x4

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Al Seef: "Capture the essence of old Dubai with a photo stop at Al Seef, a historic district along the Dubai Creek."

Abra Ride to Gold Souk: "Embark on an enchanting traditional Abra boat ride to reach the vibrant Gold Souk, where treasures await."

Jumeirah Mosque 🕌: "Admire the architectural splendor of the Jumeirah Mosque and capture its beauty during a photo stop."

Burj Al Arab: "Behold the iconic Burj Al Arab, one of the world's most luxurious hotels, with a stunning photo stop."

Medina Jumeirah: "Experience the serenity and luxury of Medina Jumeirah, a picturesque resort complex offering a blend of Arabic architecture and modern comfort."

Royal Family: Royal Family Places Drive through tour

The Point at Palm Jumeirah: "Atlantis view and Enjoy breathtaking views of Palm Jumeirah's The Point, a picturesque photo stop with pristine beaches."

Dubai Marina: "Experience the modernity of Dubai at Dubai Marina, a stunning area known for its skyline and waterfront, with a memorable visit."


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