Gobustan and mud Volcanoes tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов

This price is for up to 3 people including,if you are family or friends no need to pay extra for them also includes private driver and me

Pickup from hotel

Tour to Mud Volcanoes: a whole family of ‘geologically flatulent’ little conical mounds that erupt with thick, cold, grey mud

Gobustan National Park: Cave Paintings exploring the history of times up to 40.000 years.

Drive back to city center

Drop-off to hotel

Some information for you about Gobustan:)


Gobustan National Park is a State Reserve which is located in the west of the settlement of Gobustan, about 40 miles southwest of the centre of Baku and was established in 1966 when the region was declared as a national historical landmark of Azerbaijan in an attempt to preserve the ancient carvings, mud volcanoes and gas-stones in the region.


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