İstanbul Biennial Tour Beyoglu

Язык болгарский, Английский, турецкий
Стоимость 300 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Meeting at the Central Greek School for Girls, close to Taksim

We see Marco Scotini's "Archive of Disobedience" in the Greek Central Girls' High School, one of the venues that has been closed since 1999 and opened its doors for the first time for the Biennial.

On foot, at Büyükdere 35 in Çukurcuma, we visit the installation of the British artist and activist duo Cooking Sections, which draws attention to important ecological problems through food, in the north of Istanbul, which draws attention to buffaloes whose habitats are destroyed, and which contains a pudding house.

By visiting Perform Istanbul, a venue dedicated to the performing arts in Beyoğlu, we visit the Sensitive Sessler Dictionary and the feminist archive that offers a new reading of history.


Visiting the archival exhibitions in Pera Museum


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