Spice tour

Язык Английский, суахили
Стоимость 30 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа

Zanzibar island in Tanzania offers a variety of attractions, some of which you will not be able to find anywhere else.

One of the most interesting tours we offer in Zanzibar is a Spice Tour. Have you ever visited a spice plantation? Most probably not. If you are heading to Zanzibar, you should definitely make sure to experience this.

Spice tour is a walking tour around a spice farm which gives visitors an opportunity to see different types of spices, herbs and seasonal fruits and the tour will be about 3 hours.

In the tour, your local guide will explain how spices are grown and cultivated and also you will get a chance to smell and taste spices and fruits and your guide will tell you how spices are used by local people.

At the end of tour you will see a coconut tree climber who will show you how to climb a coconut tree and taste the coconut after that there will be a time for anyone who wants buy any spices in our local spices shop.


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