Addis Ababa full day city tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Addis ababa full day city tour

Visitng Addis Abeba will begin with seeing mount entoto. we will climb the Entoto hill located 3200 m above the sea. There is now a new park with an observation deck offering panoramic views of Addis Ababa. Here located was the capital city of Ethiopia, before Menelik II moved it to Addis Abeba. The king's palace remained until today. The local museum exhibits crowns belonging to kings and church, costumes, and insignia.after we visited Mount entoto we will drive back to the city center then you will have lunch in the hotel called taitu and it is the first hotel for the country after you have lunch visiting holly Trinity church It is the most important church in Ethiopia. In this church, there is a mausoleum of the last emperor of Ethiopia - Haile Selasie. his wife is also buried there. Then, we will see the National Museum, which is said to be one of the most important museums in whole Sub-Saharian Africa. 3,2 million-years old bones of our grand grand .... ancestor - Lucy, are one of the most famous exhibits of their collection. The attention of visitors is drawn by a rich collection of insignia of emperor and churches, costumes, and weapons. The oldest exhibits are rock sculptures and inscriptions from the times of Queen Saba, found near Aksum and in today's Eritrea. After national museum you will have traditional coffee also the coffee can be when ever you want.

*package include



-all entrance based on the upper itinerary




*package not include

-alcohol drink -personal expense.


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