Private Basseterre Half Day Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 280 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов

The French came to the island in 1625 and settled in Basseterre. The tour takes you around Basseterre where you can see some of the well preserved historical buildings.

Like the National Museum built in 1894.

Some of the many churches like the Roman Catholic and the St. Georges Anglican Church.

Our first main stop is at the Romney Manor which is in Old Road. The British first came and settled here in 1623. Samuel Jefferson built his plantation house here. Home to best Botanical garden and the Batik factory where one of a kind clothing is made, by waxing and dyeing.

We then go onto the Brimstone Hill Fortress which started building by the British about 1690. It is a man made UNESCO world heritage site and a national park. Once called the Gibraltar of the West Indies.

The highest point is about 800 feet above see level.

From the Fortress on a clear day you can see four neighboring islands. We then drive to Sir Timothy Hill at Frigate bay where you see both the Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea.


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