Basseterre Plantation Private Half Day Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 240 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов

The tour takes you on a drive on the northwest coastline of the island where you visit two of the best restored sugar cane plantation houses.

At one time St. Kitts had about 68 sugar plantations. The first piece of land given out by a British king in St. Kitts was Wingfield Estate. Romney Manor was where Samuel Jefferson built his plantation house.

Now one of the most visited sites on the island. Home to the best botanical garden where visitors and locals have gotten married.

Here also is the batik factory where there are one of a kind clothing that is made by waxing and dyeing.

Then we visit the Fairviews great house.

Once was the home of the French military commander. Then home to families and personalities, including the great grandfather of the British novelist Virginia Woolf.

In the 1990s a local couple bought the place and renamed it Fairviews Inn and turn it into one of the island first full service hotels.

By 2008 it became a museum and a botanical garden. We then drive to sir Timothy Hill.


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