Rome Countryside in a Mercedes - Nemi and Castel Gandolfo

Язык Английский
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Pick up at the hotel at 9:00am with Merceds mini van and English speaking driver. Rome is a famous city all around the world for its history and its art, but is famous also for the countryside area in the south part of the city. Driving along the Appian way you can reach this beautiful area in about 45 minutes. The first stop will be Nemi, a little village located on the edge of Nemi lake. This tiny and rellaxing village is famous for wild strawberries and products made out of strawberries. Nemi is famous also for the "Norcinerie", typical shops where to taste salami, cheese amd wine of the area. Second stop will be Castel Gandolfo where the summer residence of the Pope is. Here you have the chance to have lunch (not included) in one of the best restaurant of Roman area, located on the edge of volcanic lake of Albano. Food and wine here are special!


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