Daily Walking/Boat City-Break Tour Rotterdam & Kinderdijk

Язык Bosnian, Чешский, Английский, хорватский, Slovak, Serbian
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа


Explore one of the oldest Dutch cities, especially characteristic in modern and sometimes weird architecture and attributed as the biggest European port. Although horrific destructed within WW2, still kept spirit of freedom and for sure place with the highest concentration of the different world national identities in The Netherlands today.

Discover“ the real” (polder) windmills, the same as they were 300 years ago. The piece of untouched nature, green oasis of peace and calm, just 15 km away from the biggest European port. Unique system of water management one of the most famous “icons” of the Netherlands from 18th century, exotic kind of birds, maritime through the polders, see windmills from inside and experience its home ambient, listen their narrations about the old times.

Highlights / Itinerary


- "De Stadhuis" (City Hall of Rotterdam )

- Cube houses and Blaak Tower ("The Pencil")

- Market Hall ("Horseschoe")

- Great Church/St. Lawrence Church;

- Schieland House, former city hall

- Old Port and "White House"

- Open Air Maritime Museum

- "The Red Light District" of Rotterdam

- Erasmus bridge and river New Maze


- Maastoren tower and panoramic view of Rotterdam


- 19 windmills from the first half of the 18th century


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