[South Sulawesi] Toraja Eye Opening Multiday Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1600 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 1 неделя

Toraja is a town surrounded with rocky mountains. The rice fields, natural caves, hills and other panorama are surely amazing. Despites of its beautiful nature, Toraja is well known of its unique culture. Everywhere, we may see Tongkonan (Traditional House of Toraja) as a symbol of prestige among Torajan people. A fascinating funeral ceremony, stone graveyard, tree graveyard, hanging graveyard equipped with Tau-tau, an effigy made of wood that represents a Torajan noble family who has passed away, a sight that can't be described in words. You have to come and enjoy it by yourself.

Day 1

- Meet in Makassar and city tour

- Fort Amsterdam

Day 2

- Rammang-rammang Karst

- Overnight in Pare-pare

Day 3

- Enrekang Sightseeing

- Lemo Stone Graveyard

Day 4

- Lolai Above Clouds

- Ke'te'Kesu Cultural Village (UNESCO Heritage)

- Londa Cave and Hanging Graveyard

Day 5

- Pasar Sentral Makale

- Lakipadada Statue

- Tampang Allo Cave

- Baby Tree Graveyard

- Suaya Royal Graveyard

- Buntu Burake Jesus Statue and Glass Bridge

Day 6

- Kalimbuang Bori Megalith Site

- Batutumonga View

- Lo'ko'Mata Stone Grave

- To'kumila Bamboo forest

- To'Barana Fabric

Day 7

- Back to Makassar

- Tour ends

This itinerary can be customized, please contact me with your question, I will be glad to adjust it with your interest.


- Guiding Services

- Public Transportation Tickets

- Admission Tickets

- Rent car


- Personal Expenses

- Souvenirs

- Hotel Accommodation

- Additional Meals


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