Hunza Pakistan

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1680 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Islamabad –Narran

After breakfast at 6 am drive to Narran. You will turned to right Site to follow Narran road. Stope the view point of Maneshera and tack lunch at Balakot. After lunch drive to Narran, you can stop in different view point. On arrival transfer your hotel Narran.

Narran –Karimabad Hunza

Drive to Karimabad Hunza, on the You will enjoy the Lulusar lake and proceed to Babusar top. Short stop on Babusar top for photography then drive to Chilas The district 1st district of Gilgit Baltistan. On the way stop site seen and photography stop. You will enjoy the view of the Great Indus river , view of point of Pakistan second highest mountain Nagaparbat 8125m.Your next stop on the meeting point of three great mountain range Karakorum, Himalaya and Hindukush .Lunch at Gilgit or Rakaposhi (7788m)view point and drive to Karimabad . On way stop for site seen of mountain and river with small village. Overnight at Hunza hotel.

Explore Hunza and visit Hoper valley

Today you will explore Karimabad Hunza .first visit the Baltit fort and then back to local market, then after walk to Altit fort. Before visit the fort order you lunch at Royal Garden restaurant and visit the fort your lunch would be ready .After lunch visit Hopper Valley Hopper Valley and village and Glacier. Back to Karimabad Take time at Karimabad / Market Sunset photo, overnight at hotel Gulmit.

Gulmit – Khunjerab – Gulmit Gojal

Morning drive to the border of Pakistan and China above 4000m. Short rest at the top, on the way see ibex and other mountain animal and on arrival Sost visiting the border town. Where is the Pakistan Custom office and Cost Port the business place of China and Pakistan located. Drive to Gulmit the winter resort of rulers of Hunza and especially famous for the winter migratory bird hunt. En route to Gulmit observe the famous Ultar peak from Ganish and then proceed to Gulmit. Overnight in Gulmit ,

Explore Gojal Valley

Today you will visit Atta Abad Lake shore excursion to Hussaini, Ghulkin, and Gulmit village and have nice view of Passu glacier, Borith Lake and Ghulkin glacier. Overnight silk route Hotel Gulmit or Ghulkin.

Gulmit – Narran

After breakfast drive to Narran , On the stop at various view point for photo, old silk road view point, short break at Rakaposhi view point , lunch at chilas and cross the Babusar top and overnight in Narran.

Narran Islamabad

After breakfast visit Saif ul Muluk Lake and drive back to Islamabad driver back to Islamabad


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