Treat Your Senses in my foodie Paradises

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 500 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

You will delight your senses in some of the most emblematic places in the Gothic Quarter while tasting delicious tapas and amazing pinxos.

My grandfather always used to say; "A country's cuisine is its landscape in a pot"

With this experience, you have the opportunity to discover Barcelona's emblematic gastronomic legacy and try out some of our traditional products, but this is not just about the food it's about our lifestyle, a very important part of our identity.

You'll enjoy the local life and pass through several of the most emblematic shops in the area, discovering how with going to the market and you choose what you want to eat.

Because all are very traditional local places, they will be closed on Sunday...

I will fully customize the tour depending on the season and according to your wishes. Whether you are vegetarian or would like to adjust the tour for your family, just let me know!


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