Discover the secrets of the Old Town that my grandfather showed me

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 160 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Take a journey back in time and learn all about the beautiful Gothic Quarter of Barcelona and my favorite places, you will have a wonderful experience with me and stories about the city...

This experience takes you through the old town, a maze that mixes old legends, must-see landmarks, crazy stories and vibrant traditions - all personalized for you & your family.

The tour starts at the Hard Rock Cafe in Plaça Catalunya, the most iconic square in Barcelona.

Soon we step into Barri Gòtic through the hidden passage that connects yesterday and today. It's a medieval maze populated with narrow alleys, concealed churches, shaded plazas and centuries-old legends. Get ready to take in an experience that shows Barcelona’s hidden side. As you touch the Roman walls and temple, you experience the city’s history.

Stories abound – the bombing in Sant Felip Neri’s Square, the 13 geese of our cathedral and the falling down of Santa Eulalia. There are so many things to discover and I will share it all with you through fun and interactive conversation. Along the way, I will of course also tell you all about the way locals live their lives in the modern-day!

I'll bring you to a very secret and special place to see the most beautiful traditions of Catalan culture.

To conclude this experience filled with legends and stories, we walk all the way to Santa Maria del Mar, known also as The Sea Cathedral. Before we say our goodbyes we go to try some of the hidden sweets of Barcelona and I'll share some more tips with you for a wonderful stay :)!

If you have any requests to customize the tour, you can always let me know! If the day you are looking for is already booked, please contact me directly and we can find a solution together!

*Children under 9 are free!!!!


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