Women, a force that changes the world!!

Язык каталонский, Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 173 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Barcinone, barcinonenses, barcelonesas... Today we will focus on the stories, life and works of some of the women of Barcelona

Barcinone are the women of Barcino, the Roman city.

Barcinonenses are the women of Barcinona, the medieval city.

Barcelonesas are the women of Barcelona from the modern age until today. Throughout the years, women have been invisibilities by history in a constant and systematic way. Their participation in the construction of society has been ignored and reduced to certain stereotypes. Although this situation is changing, the road to travel in the construction of history without absences is still very long.

That is why today we will focus on the stories, lives, and works of some of the women of Barcelona who have had an active commitment to the process of formation and transformation of our society, leaving an important mark on our city, but also in those women that today play an important role in our society today...


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