Dubrovnik Game of Thrones tour

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 110 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа

Just a day after the first filming in Dubrovnik ended (2011) I guided a group from one of the cruise ships. During a sightseeing tour I mentioned what was happening in Dubrovnik for the last few weeks, as it was a huge thing for such a small town. After a while a young man approached me saying how huge fan of the GoT he was, and what a nice surprise it was for him. Of course he was a bit sad that he had missed the whole thing :)

So, if You are a huge fan like that young fellow or just curious about the Game of Thrones sites, join me on this tour.

Besides the Old town, some of the sites are on the small island of Lokrum situated in front of the Old town. We can reach it in 15 minutes by regular boat line.

Also, some of the scenes were filmed in Arboretum Trsteno, 20 min by car from Dubrovnik.

If You are interested to visit one of those 2 locations or both, it will be necessary to extend the duration of the tour and You should contact me in order to make a custom tour.


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