Private half day tour to Peljesac - Ston oyster tasting tour

Язык Английский, Итальянский, Русский
Стоимость 1 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 часов

Taste fresh local oysters taken directly from the sea!

If you like oysters don't miss the opportunity to taste some of the best in the region! Just 45 minutes of a scenic drive from Dubrovnik is a peninsula of Peljesac, known after oyster farms, saltworks and vineyards.

At the beginning of the peninsula we'll make a photo stop to get the breathtaking view of the oyster farms.

In Mali Ston we'll take a boat ride with one of the local farmers. He will take oysters directly from the sea and will open them in front of You, but the complete experience is impossible to get without a glass of a good home-made wine :).

After this unforgettable experience we'll visit Ston and I'll take you for a short walking tour to see the saltworks.

Close to Ston is one of the private wine cellars where the winemaker will tell you all about the tradition of wine production and will offer you with homemade liquors and different sorts of wines.

For groups up to 6 people, the price depends of the number of people


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