Spring 2024: Flowers and Windmills of Holland, full day tour

Язык Голландский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Стоимость 795 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

The Keukenhof, Hollands famous yearly flower exhibition is open from March 21 till May 12 2024.

I will pick you up at your hotel (if within 20 kilometers from Amsterdam) and we will drive through the Dutch so called polders to the Keukenhof. (Polders are former lakes that are pumped dry. )

I will accompany you inside and point out the most interesting places and you will have two hours where you can wander though this fantastic garden and enjoy all the beautiful colors and smells.

After the Keukenhof we will pay a visit to the Tulip Experience, a tulip farm where you will learn everything about the tulip production process.

We will then drive to the Zaanse Schans, where we will have lunch (not included) in the very special restaurant d'Swarte Walvis (the Black Whale)

After lunch we will visit two industrial 17th century windmills and the wooden shoe museum.

If there is still time we will visit a cheese farm on the way back to your hotel.

This tour will let you experience all the things the Dutch are famous for!


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