Amsterdam: Windmills, Dikes and Clogs

Язык Голландский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий
Стоимость 695 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Get to know Low-Holland.

We will drive through Dutch 'polders', reclaimed land, with all their beautiful world heritage sites and villages, over rural roads with spectacular views of the typical Dutch landscape.

Including visits to the industrial mills of the Zaanse Schans and the water pumping Museum Mill at Schermerhorn.

We will also visit the little town De Rijp, that once was a rich fishing town, famous for herring & whale fishing.

This is also an ideal place to have lunch.

After lunch we will drive to Edam for a short walk. This former center of the cheese industry is still very well preserved.

From Edam, on our way back to Amsterdam we will stop at a family owned cheese farm where Steven and Juliette will tell you all about cheese and clog making.

This is a unique tour that let you experience all about the Dutch way of life in the past and in the present.

If your party is larger than will fit in my Volvo V70, I will rent a passenger van. The extra costs will be 200 euros. You can pay me that on the day of the tour.


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