Tashkent cit tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Hello all. Tashkent city tour includes following touristic cites:

Hasti Imam complex which is located in old neighbourhood in Tashkent city. Over there we will visit Kafal Shashi Tomb. Barakhan madrassah, Muyi Muborak madrassah where old Uthaman Kuran is kept which is written in the year of 640 to the skin of deer.

Charsu Bazaar where you can discover local people life and fruits vegiables, spices and dry fruits, watch the proccess of local bread making, Open food market where you can find new type of local cousins. Sovuneer shops.

Central Asian plov centre is one of the best place to disocer how to make local food in big pots and you get the chance to taste horse meat.

Tashkent Tv tower from outside which is 375 meter high.

Memorial complex is the best place for shooting the photos with beautiful nature.

Broadway is the best place to visit at evening time with lights and live music, artists and some pictures.

Amir Temur square is the city centre park.

Tashkent Metro stations. Kosmonavtlar and Alisher Navoi

Alisher Navoi ballet theatre is the last point of our excursion


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