Taste of old town and bosphorus cruise

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 7 часов

After we have a quick look around the old part of town we go down into the Basilica Cistern and feel the mystery of it in our bones which has also been the scene for various movies, and find out how the Romans stored and distributed water around the city 2000 years ago, then we take a nice walk along the tramline all the way down to the spice market so-called Egyptian Bazaar get a chance to taste some Turkish delight and many more spices and even buy, then after a minute of walking we find ourselves in a beautiful Rüstem Pasha Mosque get informed about the beautiful sample of the mosques and why its mentioned as baby blue mosque.

Then we cross the road and catch a ferry along the Bosphorus which is a 36 km long water strait that separates Asia from Europe and connects the sea of Marmara up to the Black Sea we enjoy the sea breeze on our faces watching the last palaces of Ottomans and beautiful villas along the water and many more for about 2 hours.

After we have a lunch break we walk on the Galata Bridge over the golden horn looking at the fishermen who are always on the bridge catching fish and we catch the funicular up to the Istiklal street, walk along a pedestrian street for about 2 km long enjoy the environment with many shops cafes even sit at one of them and get socialize as locals, the tour ends

Include only guiding

Exclude entrance fees lunch tips


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