Varanasi City Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 65 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Early morning before sunrise proceed for a boat ride on the Ganges & enjoy Subah-e-Banaras at Varanasi ghats. It is a mystical and spiritual experience to watch Sun God along the River Ganges. Continue to visit various ghats like Manikarnika Ghat (Largest Cremation Ground of World), Dashashwamedh Ghat, Assi Ghat and more during your Boat Ride. Return back to the hotel for breakfast.

Optional: Visit Vishwanath Temple (Book Online VIP ticket or Intimate us so that we may book your ticket on time.)

Varanasi is the main spiritual places for all Hindu pilgrims which are surrounded by many religious temples explore the Tulsi Manas temple (the Ramcharitramanas was written here), Sankat Mochan temple (dedicated to Hanuman, the reliever from hardship), Bharat Mata temple. Banaras Hindu University (BHU) provides a glimpse of the Indian education system and how it evolved over the decades. Next visit Kashi Vishwanath Temple built by the Birla family located in the BHU campus.


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