Haeundae Walking Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 40 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Busan is known for its best beaches in all of mainland South Korea, most notably Haeundae Beach. I can meet you from either Busan Station or Seomyeon Station and we would take an express bus over to Dongbaek. From Dongbaek Station, we can walk over to Dongbaek Island, a beautiful location where one can see Gwangan Bridge (the 2nd longest suspension bridge in South Korea) and Downtown Busan in the distance. On Dongbaek Island, we will pass the APEC Nurimaru House, where the leaders of Asia had met for a regional summit; the Lighthouse Observatory; and the famous Princess Hwangok mermaid statue right along the coast. We would loop out of Dongbaek Island to the main Haeundae Beach boardwalk, try some street food snacks at Haeundae Traditional Market and head back by bus.


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