Beomeosa Temple Tour (by Train/Bus)

Язык Английский
Стоимость 42 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 часов

Everyone knows the Dragon Temple by the ocean, Haedong Yonggungsa. But not many know that one of the oldest temples in the region is located in northern Busan as well. I can meet you at either Seomyeon Station or Busan Station, and together we would ride the metro about an hour north of the city to Beomeosa Temple. From there we would take a village bus up to the mountains for 20 minutes with other hikers and local Buddhists until we arrive at the entrance of the temple. Beomeosa Temple is a bit of walk up, but we would see the main temple ground, the picturesque Philosopher's Path, and the off-the-beaten path Blue Lotus Hermitage (known for its Zen-based martial arts "Seonmudo") before heading back down to Beomeosa Temple Station and Busan/Seomyeon Station.


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