Half-day Tour to Stratonikeia from Bodrum

Язык Английский
Стоимость 270 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 6 часов


Guiding Services

Private Transportation A/C SUV

Visit an unspoilt ancient city away from other touristic crowds. A guaranteed relaxed visit to Ancient city Stratonikeia .

According to ancient historians and story tellers like Herodot, Strabon, Pausanias, and Byzantine Stephanosthe, the foundation of the city dates back to 8th century BC and it was known as Khrysaoris or Idrias. After Alexander the Great, around 281 BC the name of the city was changed into Stratonike, first mother in-law and then wife of the Seleucid king Antiochus I. During the Hellenistic period the city was ruled by Seleucids, Macedonians, Rhodians and then the Romans, which remained always as an important city in Asia Minor. During the Byzantine period Stratonikeia became a Titular see of the Roman Catholic Church in Anatolia.

Ancient site is 1 hour 15 minutes drive away from Bodrum centrum.


10. 00 pick up from hotel or port

11. 15 arrive -Stratonikeia

11. 30 visit the site

1 p. m lunch break

3 p. m back to Bodrum

Feel free to contact me if you would like to customize this tour!


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