Half day Bodrum (Halicarnasos) Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 5 часов


Guiding Services

Private Transportation with A/C SUV

Explore Bodrum with a local guide!

Ancient history, sightseeing, swimming if preferred!

We will visit the old city Halicarnasos and you will be able to have great sceneric photos and memories!

We will talk about history, culture, life, food , all about Turkey

With short drives, we will visit the most panoramic parts and little bays

around Bodrum. End of tour you will have the idea of the ancient life and todays life! Upon request we can have swimmimg stop on one of the bays! An all in one enjoyable tour for you

! You will love it!


We will visit

- Bodrum sceneric terraces

- Myndos Gate

- Ampfhi theatre

- City walls - Old Windmills

- Beach stop at bitez bay

-Feel free to contact me if you would like to customize this tour! Tell me your expectations we can shape it easily for you


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