Private Tours from ports Ashdod and Haifa

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 650 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Join me on a private tour from Ashdod port to Jerusalem, starting directly from your cruise ship. As a licensed guide, I can obtain the necessary permits to enter the port and reach your ship.

As a professional guide and driver, I provide luxury tours with a seven-seater Mercedes V Class car. During our 1.5-hour drive to Jerusalem, I will ask you about your interests and preferences, whether it's for sightseeing, pilgrimage, or spiritual journey. My goal is to create a personalized experience that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Jerusalem is located on a mountain range with stunning views and notable hills like Mount Scopus, Olive Mount, Mount Zion, and Temple Mount. We'll take a scenic drive around the city, stopping at the best viewpoints to admire the breathtaking landscapes.

Once we arrive in the Old City of Jerusalem, we'll start a walking tour to visit the most prominent and must-see places. Despite its small size, the Old City is home to the main holy places of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We'll visit the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Armenian quarters, walk through colorful market streets, and sample some of the delicious local cuisine.

After the walking tour, we'll return to our car and head back to Ashdod port. While it's impossible to explore all of Jerusalem's fascinating places and rich history in one day, I will do my best to show you the highlights and make it a memorable experience.

Welcome to Jerusalem, and I invite you to come back and explore more!


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