Beijing By Night Tour or Food tour With Public Transportation

Язык Китайский, Английский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

This is a route you can't miss on your trip to Beijing, you can experience the night view of Beijing and try different snacks of Beijing

The city illuminated with colourful lights will give you a special feeling that you will remember forever. Besides, the night is nice and cool compared to the day, which may be hot and humid. Of course, with me being an experienced local guide, I will make sure you will have the most amazing night ever!

I will pick you up at the hotel lobby or some meeting point which is convenient for you and use public transportation (Subway, Buses and Taxi ) to the night attractions, such as the Wangfujing walking Streets, Houhai Lake, Pipe Hutongor or some other Residential Hutongs ,Changan Avenue, Olympic Park, Bird's Nest Stadium, Water Cube,or plenty more. You get to see, taste, feel and immerse into the lifestyle!

Send me an email , share with me the places you want to visit, let's make plans together now !


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