Charming old town of Trogir

Язык Английский, Польский, Испанский
Стоимость 100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 час

Visit the historic town and heritage site of Trogir, remarkable example of urban continuity located on the Adriatic coast in Croatia. Explore its Greek, Roman and Venetian histories while visiting St Lawrence Cathedral, Kamerlengo Fortress, City Gate and Town Loggia. Trogir has been UNESCO protected since 1997 as World Heritage so join me to find out why.


- Admire the stunning Cathedral of St. Lawrence & Main City Square

- Observe the Venetian architecture at Town Loggia & Duke's Palace

- Explore the history of the beautiful fortresses of Kamerlengo & St. Mark's

- Enjoy strolling through the cobblestones street full of life

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