Play with Baby Elephants, Giraffe Centre, Tamambo/ Carnivore

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Tour Details

Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage, Giraffe Centre, Carnivore or Tamamabo restaurant.

Spend the day visiting David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage and Giraffe Center, and get some time with baby and young orphaned elephants, viewing is strictly between 11 am and 12 mid-day, later on move to see the giraffe not far away from here.

The tour starts from your hotel or home in Nairobi. We drive to David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, and walk through the little center from 11 am – 12:30 pm.

The youngest elephants come trotting out of the bush to greet their keepers who stand at the ready with giant bottles of milk.

For the next 10-15 minutes you can watch each little one slurp and gargle their milk.

When they’re done, there’s water to play with and keepers to nudge and get hugs from.

You can reach out and touch and nuzzle any elephant that comes close. While you get to watch them play and take photos. You find out how old they were when they arrived at the orphanage, where they were rescued from, and what got them into trouble.

It’s so cool to watch them hold their giant milk bottles in their trunks and close their eyes with joy as they make quick work of several gallons of milk. Again, you are free to touch them if they come close to the ropes (and they will), and watch them interact with their keepers, munch on some branches of their favorite acacias, and play with the half drums of water and mud.

Giraffe Center:

Proceed to the Giraffe Center where you can interact up close and personal with giraffes as you feed them and even get some giraffe kisses if you are lucky while there try and get a photo session with giraffes too.

The center has rescued, hand-reared, and released around 500 orphaned giraffes back into the wild since opening in 1979.

This attraction offered opportunities to feed the endangered Rothschild’s giraffe by hand or by kissing. The location also offers a fine education on the physiology, behaviors and habitat preferences of these beautiful animals.

The Giraffe Centre is also an educational and research center for students and travelers who come in to learn for their study courses.

Later in the evening you will visit international restaurant in the city of Nairobi at the famous Carrnivore restaurant or Tamambo for vegetarian mix.

Departure Point:

Hotel or accommodation in Nairobi.


Transport by private vehicle

Entrance fees

Professional guide

Hotel pickup and drop off


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